5 Tips for How to Quit Smoking Meth, from the Experts FHE Health

Detoxing from meth makes you feel less energetic, even though the additional “energy” you had when taking the drug was false. All Addiction Resource content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. Protracted withdrawal from stimulants, such as meth and cocaine, can last for one to two months. However, medications, counseling, therapy, and support groups can greatly reduce the risk of suicide.

  1. If you decided to quit using, knowing what meth withdrawal symptoms you may experience and what detoxing is like can help you recover.
  2. You may also find that there are underlying mental health issues contributing to and/or made worse by your meth abuse that is unrelated to the meth withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Meth’s damaging effects on brain cell structures can put those in recovery at risk for relapse indefinitely.
  4. All Addiction Resource content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible.

People who are suffering from a meth addiction deserve the best care available. Determining how to taper from meth may be difficult for a person to do alone. If you or a loved one is suffering from a meth addiction, a high-quality rehabilitation clinic can provide detox, treatment, and additional lifesaving assistance.

The helpline at AddictionResource.net is available 24/7 to discuss the treatment needs of yourself or a loved one. This helpline is answered by Ark Behavioral Health, an addiction treatment provider with treatment facilities in Massachusetts and Ohio. Using meth once, or a couple of times, is unlikely to lead to severe withdrawal. People with certain biological, physiological, and other personal risk factors may be at higher risk. Meth detox can be an uncomfortable process physically and psychologically, due to withdrawal. Withdrawal is a set of symptoms that can develop as a result of chronic and frequent meth use.

Other mental and emotional aspects could be linked to a psychological need to use the drug or to other withdrawal symptoms. For example, stomach issues and joint pain can make any depression you might be experiencing worse. Because education is one way to build a foundation for that first step, understanding the stages of meth withdrawal can be important for anyone who is trying to quit. This may feel like an isolated struggle, but around 1.6 million people in the United States have used meth in the past year. This method of withdrawal is referred to as “cold turkey.” Many people choose to taper instead of going cold turkey, which can be safer and more comfortable.

When Should I Seek Medical Help for Meth Withdrawal?

Getting help while detoxing should be done as safely and quickly as possible. Stimulant drugs such as meth can reduce a person’s appetite and can lead to poor nutrition and weight loss. Therefore, people in detox and treatment sometimes take vitamin and mineral supplements such as vitamins A and C, different B vitamins, and zinc to aid in the recovery process. Doing certain things might help people detox at home on their own, but in many instances, these practices simply aren’t safe. Personal physiology and environment are also important factors for meth withdrawal.

How to Quit Meth on Your Own

The vast majority (95%) of all participants experienced meth cravings for up to seven weeks after beginning withdrawal. Long-term meth use may decrease the number of dopamine receptors in brain cells, making it difficult for the individual to experience pleasure, even if normal dopamine levels return. Many people who quit using meth experience this condition, recovery games for groups called anhedonia. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable even if a person has only used meth for a short time. Withdrawal symptoms are more likely to occur based on how long and how much of the substance has been used. It usually does not matter whether the drug has been snorted, smoked or injected because of how profoundly meth affects the brain.


Appetite and sleep patterns usually return to normal after a few months without meth. Most meth withdrawal symptoms peak 1 or 2 days after stopping https://sober-house.org/ consumption and go away within 7 days. A small 2005 study found that some low-level symptoms may continue for up to 2 weeks, though.


These feelings, called withdrawal, can last from several days to a few weeks. There’s no right or wrong answer regarding recovering from meth addiction. What’s important is that you partner with a team of caring professionals who will design a customized treatment plan around your unique needs.

Detox centers offer services that can help people safely recover from meth dependence. Medications and alternative therapies can help prevent discomfort during meth withdrawal. Inpatient detox facilities also provide 24-hour oversite and a controlled environment for recovery.

For meth users who inject the drug, it’s important to safely dispose of needles and syringes. Discard them in disposal boxes located in hospitals, public health facilities, and other safe needle disposal locations. Identifying and listing your triggers can help prevent you from falling into relapse. Support groups, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, are therapies offered at most drug rehab centers. Physical withdrawal symptoms caused by meth usually go away within a few days.

They’ll also make sure it won’t interact with any other medications you take. The same 2011 study found that participants slept a lot in the first few days of not using meth and reported higher post-sleep refreshment. Yet the overall quality of sleep, measured by the length of time it takes you to fall asleep and the number of times you wake up, remained low even after 3 weeks had passed. Here’s a closer look at meth withdrawal, including how long it lasts and how to manage it. The total amount of time meth will stay in your system depends on several factors, including your body mass, age, and how much you took. You nor your loved one are under any obligation to commit to an Ark Behavioral Health treatment program when calling our helpline.

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